I need to buy some Club gear, how do I go about this?
You need to visit web page regarding gear here:- https://gosportsteamwear.com/collections/eagle-a-c
I’m not receiving the Club emails, who should I contact?
Send an email to the club registrar at eagleac4@gmail.com
​I need to renew my membership, what is the quickest way to do this?
Click on the Athletics Ireland Membership page to access your existing membership, using your email and password (Password reset is available should have forgotten your password).
I’m new to running and just want some general advice on how to improve my running and my race times, who should I contact?
The club has a large number of experienced members who can advise you on how to improve your times.
I appreciate that the Club is run on a voluntary basis by its members and I would like to help out in some way. Who can I talk to about this?
The greatest need for help is when the Club runs it two main races during the year, being the Eagle 5 Mile road race in Carrigaline, held each February, and the Cheetah 5k race held in the Fota Wildlife Park each May. The people to contact are our Race Directors Ruairi Egan & Karen Bevan - eagleraces@gmail.com
Does the Club have an under-age/juvenile section?
No, Eagle AC is an adult Club only and does not cater for juniors. Some of our members children train with Belgooly AC who are a juvenile club and whom we share the MTU track with on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.