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  • Writer's pictureBarra Oconnell

Eagle AC Member Profile: Mike McGrath

Eagle AC Member Profile: Name : Mike McGrath

Member of Eagle AC since : 2002 I think thanks to the great Joe Murphy !

How long have you been running? What made you take it up : I started running Cross Country ( because I couldn’t get on the School rugby team ! ) when I was about 14 but have been running consistently and competing in Road Races I’d say for over 40 years. 1st marathon was Dublin 1983 ! Favourite thing about running : The Buzz you get after a long run or speed session and being out in the fresh air ! Favourite race distance to run: Half Marathon What is your main goal for this year: I haven’t run a Marathon since Dublin 1993 so as I was 60 last December I’ve decided to run the Gap of Dunloe Marathon, as my previous goal marathon, Manchester was cancelled in April. Your best race/most memorable racing moment to date: Running 3.03 at the California Marathon in Sacramento CA on my birthday in Dec 1990 ( -7C at race start ) to qualify for 1991 Boston Marathon ( sub 3.05 required based on your Age ) Tell us something most people might not know about you : I also play golf  ( Handicap 5 ) and won an All Ireland Medal playing for Muskerry in 2007. Biggest heroes  (sporting or non-sporting) : Steve Jobs (Apple Inc founder ), Ernie Els ( World Class Golfer ) , Tony Robbins ( Self Help Guru ) One bit of advice you would give to someone thinking of taking up running : Start slow and increase your mileage gradually , Think long term !– I always say “ it’s better to run 50 x 20 mile weeks rather than 20 x 50 mile weeks ! 3 things you would take with you onto a desert island :

My coffee machine, i phone , and my running shoes of course !

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