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  • Writer's pictureBarra Oconnell

Member Profile: Eddie Trindle

Name: Eddie Trindle

Member of Eagle AC since:October 2014

How long have you been running and what made you take it up: Regularly since 2013. Adrian O'Sullivan persuaded me to do Ballycotton 10 back in 2006. Did first full marathon in Dublin 2013 with Ken Nyhan. The challenge of the marathon attracted me. After joining Eagle my training became a lot more structured

Favourite thing about running: The tea and sandwiches after races. And coffee runs...I think there's a trend there :-)

Favourite race distance to run: Marathon.

What is your main goal for this year: It was Dublin 2020. But now going to try to improve speed over shorter distances like 5k.

Your best race/most memorable racing moment to date: Best race was Dublin 2019. Ran with Helen, Mairead and Ken. Pacing went well on the day. Always enjoy going through Phoenix Park. Paris 2017 was a highlight - running down Champs-Elysees and alongside River Seine.

Tell us something most people might not know about you:Have been a lifelong Reading FC fan. Just shows you should start off following one of the bigger clubs!

Biggest heroes (sporting or non-sporting): John Treacy, Ray Houghton or Jimmy Barry-Murphy.

One bit of advice you would give to someone thinking of taking up running:Join others for some of your training. Have got great tips from Eagle at track sessions and tempo runs. Especially for long runs the company is great.

3 things you would take with you onto a desert island: 1. Straw Hat 2. Keg of Stout 3. Car Door - would put down the window if it gets too hot.

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